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Welcome, Corporate Customer # COR LEGI-FWQPGRHRF87415y23f13
To make ordering easier, we have selected a few products below that you most commonly order for your clients.
TIP: Bookmark this page for easy future access.
- Add any item(s) to your Shopping Cart, and proceed to Checkout
- Simply select "Corporate Transaction" in the payment section.
- Complete the order and you are all done! No need to make a payment online.
- We will contact you shortly to confirm this order and the delivery details.
Please Note:
This system is purely for ordering purposes. When you signed in on our site, your account history will show all orders previous as "Canceled" once processed. Don't worry... this has no accounting function but just helps us clear processed orders.
Feel free to order anything else on this website, it's not limited only to items from your page. We will bill your organization as before. Please share this page link only with co-workers in your organization.
Our Address:
465 Parliament Street
Toronto, Ontario M5A 3A3
Our Store Hours:
Monday to Friday : 10am to 7pm
Saturday : 10am to 6pm
Sunday : Closed
Tel: 416-964-0884
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© 2025, Parliament Furniture Inc.